The Health Benefits of Biophilia

Biophilia refers to the love that a person may have for nature and all the natural processes that take place in nature. Biophilia suggests that all individuals are connected to nature as a result of their genetics. The connection between individuals and their natural surroundings is created as a result of thousands of years of surviving in an agrarian setting.

Biophilia was first brought to the scene by psychologists Edward Wilson in the 80s after observing how modernization and urbanization were causing people to lose their connection to nature. As technology continues to become commonplace in today's contemporary society, the importance of Biophilia today cannot be overemphasized.

Why is Biophilia important and relevant today?

Stress-related diseases such as anxiety and depression, as well as other health disorders such as stroke, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases can be diminished if individuals increase their connection to nature. The increasing pressure brought about by technology leaves us little time and opportunity to recuperate the mental and physical energy that we utilize throughout the day.

Incorporating elements if nature directly or indirectly to your physical environment has demonstrated through research to have a considerable effect in helping to reduce stress levels, your blood pressure, stabilize the heart rate, increase productivity and lead to a general feeling of improvement in your wellbeing.

The health benefits of Biophilia

When you nurture your soul in nature, it can have a significant impact on your mind, body, and soul. Some of the benefits of Biophilia include:

Combat the effects of urbanization

Biophilia is important today because as the contemporary world continues to become more urbanized, it has emerged that integrating Biophilic features into our day to day lives can help to combat the effects of urbanization. Biophilic components are designed to mimic patterns, colours, textures and forms of nature, which can be practical since half of the world's population will be located in urban centres.

Improved health

Increasing biophilic elements in the workplace and at home has shown to benefit one's health. For instance, having a large window that can offer individuals views of nature can result in improved rates of recovery from stress and faster recovery from anxiety and depression. Views of nature can also lead to increased concentration levels and it can have serious implications for healing.

Enhanced moods

Biophilia has proven effective to enhance moods. Doing something as simple as taking a walk around the neighbourhood can have considerable effects on boosting your moods. Biophilia can be used alongside existing treatments to increase their effectiveness.


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